Our concept
We sell our 19x27’’quarters to professionals in bundles of 100 or 300 (50 designs in both cases). We call each bundle a “story”. Every other month, another story composed of 50 new designs will be available.
Create an account
To order from our website and see our price lists, you need to create a customer account. Fill in the form, it only takes a few minutes, and you’ll receive an e-mail confirming your registration within 24 hours.
Why French Fat Quarters?
France follows the metric system, and our fabric is traditionally woven in larger width, that’s why our quarters are bigger than the American or Canadian ones.
D.I.Y. is on the upswing, so is sewing home accessories, which makes our small size fabric ideal to ease the final sale. Customers fall in love with a pattern which is why they’ll purchase the French Fat Quarter. In each box, you’ll find many pattern families : geometric, children’s, animal, colorful, light, dark, flowery… there’s one for everyone and you’ll soon realize that you discover new ones every day in your own shop.

What’s the benefit for you?
With our own original boxes, you can create a colorful and attractive space in your shop. The box for the “Grand Story” (300 quarters, 6 of each design) stands while the box for the “Little Story” (100 quarters, 2 of each design) can easily be placed on your countertop or in a shelf.
If you already sell fabric by the yard, rest assured that this sale will be less time-consuming as it doesn’t require any cutting and if you run a haberdashery that sells no or little fabric, our quarters enable you to offer a fun and simple fabric option to your customers.
What about my half-empty box?
The larger box can contain 500 quarters, so you can easily order a new story before your box is completely empty. You can sort your quarters n each square by color, pattern, from light to dark or completely randomly, you just need to find what makes you the happiest.
The 4 pillars of the French Fat Quarters

Fast shipping
Within 3 days

A great variety of designs
Renewed every other month

Attractive product
That decorates your shop

Happy customers
To our greatest delight
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Fill in the contact form and we’ll reply within 24 hours.